Dear Parents and Educators,
Many of us are well-aware that social-emotional skills are critically important for developing positive peer relationships, as well as in establishing a classroom culture that promotes learning, sharing, and taking risks. It's not only about students being able to understand their own feelings and others' feelings, but how to learn to manage conflicts, navigate social problems, regulate emotions, communicate in a pro-social manner, and approach the world with a healthy attitude.
As the school year is beginning for many around the nation and world, consider watching these three short videos on Social & Emotional Learning, and answering the essential and reflection questions!
1. Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth
Angela Duckworth is a psychology
professor at the University of Pennsylvania who studies what makes some
people more successful than others. As you watch the video, think about the following: What is grit and what how does it influence success?
(Extra Help: Duckworth defines grit as "passion and perseverance for very long term goals". When have you demonstrated grit in your life?)
(Extra Help: Think about a time when you or someone else tried to understand another person's reality. What happened? How did you/the other person show the the habits of empathy (be observant of others, use active listening, and open up)?)
I hope you find these resources to be helpful. Have a wonderful start to the school year!
J. Wang, M.A., CCC-SLP
Essential Question
What is grit, and how does it influence success?Reflection Question
Think about a moment in your own life when you showed grit. What happened? How did grit impact you in that moment? Explain.(Extra Help: Duckworth defines grit as "passion and perseverance for very long term goals". When have you demonstrated grit in your life?)
2. Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset
This video describes the differences between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. As you watch the video, think about the following: How can developing a growth mindset impact your life?
Essential Question
How can developing a growth mindset impact your life?Reflection Question
Think of a time when you demonstrated a fixed mindset. What
could you have done differently in that situation to demonstrate a
growth mindset? How would this have affected you differently in the
(Extra Help: People with a fixed mindset believe their qualities (e.g.
intelligence, talent) are set in stone, while those with a growth
mindset believe they can develop their intelligence and talent with
3. The Importance of Empathy
As you watch this video, think about a time when you experienced empathy.
Reflection Question
Describe a time when you experienced empathy. Use evidence from the video and from your experience to explain why the experience qualifies as empathy.(Extra Help: Think about a time when you or someone else tried to understand another person's reality. What happened? How did you/the other person show the the habits of empathy (be observant of others, use active listening, and open up)?)
I hope you find these resources to be helpful. Have a wonderful start to the school year!
J. Wang, M.A., CCC-SLP